

Ship NameHull No.IMO No.ENI No.Year BuiltDate TakenLocation
A.B. Liverpool 9125683 1996 2003-08-16 River Thames
A.B. Valencia 9125695 1997 2013-06-22 River Mersey
A.E.C. Ancelle PM25 1963 1989-08-18 Sète
RNLB A.J.R. & L.G. Uridge 52-25 1983 1998-08-31 Holyhead
A2B Energy 9183427 1998 2016-05-29 Blyth
HMAV Aachen L110 8516550 1987 1988-07-28 Southampton
pv Aalscholver 1969 1996-04-14 Rotterdam
Aasfjord 9321392 2006 2015-06-05 Firth of Clyde
Aasheim 9247106 2001 2005-05-12 Haugesund
Aasheim 9247106 2001 2006-06-16 Dublin
Aasli 9060778 1994 2010-11-20 Firth of Clyde
Aasli 9060778 1994 2010-11-22 Firth of Clyde
Aasnes 7928251 1981 2006-08-10 River Thames
Aastind 9147136 1997 2023-09-29 Firth of Clyde
Aasvik 8500898 1986 2002-06-21 Vlissingen
Aasvik 8500898 1986 2002-08-31 River Thames
Aasvik 8500898 1986 2011-09-27 Firth of Clyde
Aasvik 8500898 1986 2012-06-02 Firth of Clyde
Aasvik 8500898 1986 2013-07-22 Firth of Clyde
Abbay Wonz 8303018 1984 1997-04-20 Rotterdam
Abbie Deans Spirit of Blyth and Wansbeck 38-01 1990 2009-09-23 Blyth
Abbie Deans Spirit of Blyth and Wansbeck 38-01 1990 2011-08-28 Blyth
Abbie Deans Spirit of Blyth and Wansbeck 38-01 1990 2012-03-25 Blyth
Abdelmoumen 7722592 1978 2000-06-06 Portsmouth Harbour
HMS Abdiel N21 1967 1988-05-14 Portsmouth Harbour
Abeille Champagne 20 7711050 1979 1997-08-16 Le Havre
Abeille Etretat 17 9002063 1991 1997-08-15 Le Havre
Abeille Etretat 17 9002063 1991 1997-08-16 Le Havre
Abeille Flandre 7710513 1978 1989-08-25 Brest
Abeille Flandre 7710513 1978 1990-07-11 Brest
Abeille Honfleur 19 9002075 1991 1994-03-04 Le Havre
Abeille Honfleur 19 9002075 1991 1997-08-15 Le Havre
Abeille Languedoc 7710525 1979 1989-08-24 Cherbourg
Abeille Languedoc 7710525 1979 1990-03-17 Cherbourg
Abeille Le Havre 16 9002051 1991 1997-08-15 Le Havre
Abeille Le Havre 16 9002051 1991 1997-08-17 Le Havre
Abeille No. 6 7521780 1977 1994-03-04 Le Havre
Abeille No. 6 7521780 1977 1997-08-17 Le Havre
Abeille No. 7 7211177 1972 1994-03-07 Le Havre
Abeille No. 9 7419016 1975 1994-03-06 Le Havre
Abeille No. 9 7419016 1975 1997-08-15 Le Havre
Abeille No. 9 7419016 1975 1997-08-16 Le Havre
Abeille No. 10 7419028 1976 1994-03-06 Le Havre
Abeille No. 10 7419028 1976 1997-08-17 Le Havre
Abeille No. 31 8016782 1981 1994-03-07 Le Havre
Abeille No. 32 8016794 1981 1997-08-16 Le Havre
Abeille Risban 15 8718768 1988 1997-04-18 Dunkerque
Abel Magwitch 2001 2002-04-22 River Thames
Abel Tasman - EWT107 02316303 1981 2002-06-16 Rotterdam
Abel Tasman 02324703 2000 2010-06-20 Rotterdam
Abel Tasman 02324703 2000 2011-06-26 Rotterdam
Abercorn 1925 1997-07-19 River Thames
Abercorn 1925 2000-06-13 River Thames
Aberdeen 9125736 1996 2003-09-27 Southampton
Aberdeen 9125736 1996 2012-04-14 Cromarty Firth
pv Aberdeen Pilot Boat No. 1 1980 2003-05-08 Aberdeen
pv Aberdeen Pilot Boat No. 2 1986 2003-05-12 Aberdeen
Aberdour 1991 2010-09-26 Firth of Forth
RMAS Aberdovey Y10 1963 1988-08-29 Portsmouth Harbour
Abersoch Bay 2012 2014-06-01 River Mersey
Aberthaw Fisher 6607719 1966 1992-09-27 Rotterdam
Aberthaw Fisher 6607719 1966 1992-09-27 Rotterdam
Ability 7715410 1979 2001-05-12 River Thames
RMAS Abinger Y11 1964 1996-07-21 Southampton
Abis Belfast 9544891 2010 2011-06-06 River Tyne
Abis Bordeaux 9545039 2011 2014-04-20 Firth of Forth
ABP Merlin 2011 2023-07-08 Southampton
ABP Merlin 2011 2024-04-20 Southampton
HrMS Abraham Crijnssen F816 1983 1988-07-10 Portsmouth Harbour
HrMS Abraham Crijnssen F816 1983 1988-07-25 Portsmouth Harbour
HrMS Abraham van der Hulst F832 1993 1997-09-27 Plymouth
Abraham van der Wees 02307613 1944 2002-06-17 Rotterdam
KDM Absalon L16 2004 2016-10-06 Firth of Clyde
KDM Absalon L16 2004 2017-03-26 Firth of Clyde
Abu Zenima 7721392 1983 1992-09-27 Rotterdam
Abu Zenima 7721392 1983 2002-06-20 Antwerp
Aburdees 7721380 1983 1997-04-19 Antwerp
Abwood V 1975 2009-10-21 River Thames
Abwood VIII 2009-06-14 River Thames
Acacia Ace 8202707 1982 2001-09-24 Southampton
Acacia Ace 8202707 1982 2002-04-20 Southampton
Acacia Rubra 9468530 2011 2016-10-07 Firth of Clyde
fv Academus BA817 1998 2010-04-04 Kirkcudbright
fv Academus BA817 1998 2010-05-05 Oban
fv Academus BA817 1998 2011-03-12 Kirkcudbright
Acadie 7104269 1971 1995-07-29 Quiberon
Acavus 9308754 2005 2010-06-21 Rotterdam
Acavus 9308754 2005 2011-06-28 Rotterdam
Acavus 9308754 2005 2012-06-22 Rotterdam
Accomplice 1944 1995-06-14 Portsmouth Harbour
fv Accord UL10 1999 2011-04-23 Crinan
FS Acheron A613 1987 2008-08-09 Toulon
fv Achieve HL257 1997 2015-07-05 Eyemouth
fv Achieve HL257 1997 2016-12-27 River Tyne
HMS Achilles F12 1970 1985-07-25 Portsmouth Harbour
HMS Achilles F12 1970 1987-05-01 Portsmouth Harbour
HMS Achilles F12 1970 1988-06-11 Portsmouth Harbour
HMS Achilles F12 1970 1989-07-30 Portsmouth Harbour
fv Acorn INS237 7912707 1980 2011-04-28 Peterhead
USNS Acoustic Explorer 111NS8801 1981 1994-09-16 San Diego