Links for ship operators and builders can be found on the relevant pages in the Operators and Builders sections.
World Ship Society - The Society for anyone interested in ships or shipping
Thames Ship Society - The Society for Ship Enthusiasts and others interested in the maritime scene
Quaysides - News and views of shipping on the Humber and at Hull
ShipFoto - Quality Ship Photographs from the UK and Europe - Great Lakes and Seaway Shipping
Tall Ship Fan - Sailing Ships Encyclopedia with Data, Photos, History and Much More
Simplon Postcards - The Passenger Ship Website - Ship Image Archive and Forum
Ships Nostalgia - Forum and Discussion Board for all things Ships and Shipping
Ship AIS - Live vessel movements from around the UK
Marine Traffic AIS - World-wide vessel traffic and positions
Equasis - Database of Current Merchant Vessels
Miramar Ship Index - Historical Database Listing both Merchant Ships and Naval Ships